Natural Beef Tenderloin Steak


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SKU: 1184195

1184195 - Tenderloin steak - hormone & antibiotic free

Regular price: 68.22$/kg

Unit of approx. 200g-300g

The price displayed is calculated on 250g: 68.22$/kg x 250g = 17.06$.

Better known as rib-eye steak, beef tenderloin steak is characterized by its tender meat. Tenderloin is extracted from the animal's ribs, and by removing the bone, the steak obtained from the cut offers tasty meat with a pronounced beef flavor.

Raised in the traditional way, the natural beef diet consists of grass and grains, such as barley, oats and maize, to encourage the herd to return to the barn. These grains are produced and grown directly on the farm. As a key ingredient in rations, cereals contribute to the nutritional quality of the meat.

At Les Fermes Valens, the farmers are committed to producing quality meat. It is therefore only natural that the herds are raised with respect for their well-being. The farmers take care of the quality of their living space as well as the care they provide (without any form of hormones or antibiotics).

To preserve the meat's nutritional qualities, we recommend cooking ribeye steak without pricking it with a fork when pan-frying. This prevents the meat from releasing its juices and does not affect the tenderness of the piece.

With its more pronounced beef flavor, the rib-eye steak is the perfect piece to accompany a homemade sauce. To captivate your taste buds, we recommend a quick and easy Roquefort sauce.

  1. Heat half a glass of milk 
  1. Crush 150 g of Roquefort cheese with a fork to obtain crumbs. Add them to the hot milk while stirring constantly. Once the cheese has melted, add 50 cl of double cream and leave on a low heat for 5 to 10 minutes.
  1. Your sauce is ready! Depending on taste, the sauce can be thickened with cornstarch.

 Let yourself be charmed by this recipe!


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