About Valens Farms
''Be part of something good''

Sustainable agriculture respects nature and people.
Through local production and natural farming techniques, we're proud to fill your tables with fresh, healthy products you know come from.
100% Local and quality with a touch of European influence

Our farmers raise their animals in freedom according to the seasons with a 100% vegetable feed free of antibiotics and growth hormones.
We use their exceptional quality meat to make our sausages and cold cuts.XXX
Our Austrian-born chef uses his expertise to develop a range of authentic European products. With our own smokehouse in Huntingdon, you will taste the smoky notes of maple and cherry wood in some of our products.
Valens is known for its generous cuts of veal, lamb, pork and beef, as well as its free-range organic chickens and eggs, and specializes in sausages.
Who are our founders?
Who are our founders?
A better way to grow...

Both my mother's and father's families immigrated after World War II to Canada, where anything is possible! Both families came from farming backgrounds. My parents worked for local farmers until they bought their own farm in 1965, I was 8 years old at the time and knew even at that young age that this would be my path. I bought the family farm in 1981.
After a few years of using chemicals that are often ineffective and always require more, I thought there must be a healthier way to farm. I was looking for answers and I found them when I attended a conference in the United States in 1995 on organic farming. This was a highlight for me because I was now in contact with farmers who shared my vision and had the skills to help me make the transition to organic farming. 5 years later, all my fields and animals had become fully organic!
A shared vision...

The beginnings of this new way of doing things were not easy, the farmers in the area thought we were a bit crazy. People talked a lot in the village, even my father was embarrassed to see my fields full of weeds. Organic farming is much more work than conventional farming, however I am proud to be growing healthy food and providing sustainable soil for the future.
Today our daughter Elisha, her husband Matt and their 3 children have taken over the family farm and they are determined to continue this healthier way of farming, for the animals, the environment and for generations to come!
MARMARKUS - A desire.
A deep desire...

My wife Catherine and I love a challenge. After operating an inn for almost 10 years, we moved to the country in 2005. Driven by an entrepreneurial spirit and great passion, we started our organic farm.
Being a farmer has always been a deep desire for me. As a teenager in Austria, I always prioritized farm jobs. A little later I became a chef and that's when I realized the importance of using good ingredients. Catherine has always lived in a rural environment and saw this new farm project as a great opportunity to reconcile work and family.
Think big...

In 2015, an opportunity presented itself to us and we began our organic egg production with quota. Today, the farm has nearly 250 acres of tillable fields, a herd of about 50 cattle, and over 12,000 laying hens and pullets. We are proud of what we have built.
Every morning, when the sun rises, a new adventure begins!
7th generation of producers...

Sparrow Farm was founded in 1823 and I am proud to be the 7th generation to run it! My grandfather Adrian Sparrow converted the farm from dairy to grain production in 1977. I grew up watching my grandfather work hard day in and day out and I'm glad I followed in his footsteps.
The farm has been using sustainable production methods since 1989 and is now diversifying into organic crop production and organic beef production.
My wife Martine and I are always looking to evolve the farm by adopting new sustainable production techniques. These changes require more knowledge and that is why we participate in various agricultural groups that allow us to remain on the lookout for the best organic production practices.
Community involvement...
We are now a family with 3 children, we love to work and play on our ancestral land, each one of us participates in his or her own way to the work on the farm.
We don't see the days go by but always find time to get involved in the community both politically and as a volunteer. I am currently a volunteer firefighter for the municipality and Martine volunteers at the children's elementary school.