Answers to frequently asked questions about Valens Farms meats

- What does natural meat mean? And why is it cheaper than organic meat?
- Natural beef is raised on a diet of grass (pasture) and a small amount of grain such as barley, oats and corn. The price difference reflects the certification process of the organic producers and the guidelines of the agency and their inspectors.
- What is the difference between natural and organic meat?
- Organic beef, like natural beef, is raised on a forage diet. These ruminant animals are designed to eat forage. They are both raised without any form of hormones or antibiotics. However, the difference is in the grain they are fed. Organic producers follow strict regulations to ensure that no herbicides or pesticides are used when growing their crops. Whereas natural beef is raised on forages and grains that are grown conventionally.
- What is the difference between FREE RANGE and FREE RUN eggs?
- Free Run eggs are produced by hens that run free in an open-plan barn with a variety of nests and perches. They are not housed in cages. Free-range hens have the same freedoms, but they also have access to the outdoors. The eggs produced by Les Fermes Valens are 100% free-range, which means they have access to the outdoors.
- What does a 100% grass-fed animal mean?
- A strictly grass-fed animal only eats grass from birth to the end of its life. This also includes the mother, who follows a forage diet.
- Are Valens products fresh or frozen?
- Our products are sold frozen. They are packed fresh and vacuum-sealed before freezing. Some products, such as fresh charcuterie and sausages, are sold fresh.
- How long can I keep vacuum-packed meat in my freezer?
- Properly sealed and frozen meat can last up to a year in your freezer without any problems.
- Once my meat has thawed, how long can I keep it in my refrigerator?
- Once you have thawed the meat of your choice, it is best to eat it within 3 to 5 days.
- When do I receive delivery confirmation?
- Once you have placed your order online. Please allow 1 to 2 working days for confirmation of your delivery date.
- What days do you deliver?
- Depending on your region, with an order placed between Friday and Monday, you should receive the order within the same week.
- What are your delivery times?
- Deliveries are made between 7.00 am and 5.00 pm. In case of emergency with the driver or bad weather conditions, you will be contacted.
- What do I do when I'm away from home?
- If for any reason you have to leave your home. Please contact us as soon as possible to arrange a new drop-off point or delivery date.
- Credits and returns are based on products missing from an order. (Not including out of stock products that should not be charged). Products received or unsealed, etc. For any concerns, it is best to contact us for more information.
- At Valens Farms, you have the possibility to pay by credit card or Interac transfer. Once your order has been placed: 1. we contact you 48 hours before the day of delivery to take your credit card number or to give you the necessary information to complete the Interac transfer. 2. We also contact you the day before delivery to confirm the final amount of the order (the price indicated on the site is based on average weights).