Spécial 3 paquets de Saucisses Merguez
16.50 21.72
Shipping costs calculated at the time of payment
SKU: 1255083
Notre version de la merguez traditionnelle faite d'un mélange de porc et de Boeuf de haute qualité.
Spécial: 3 paquets pour 16,50$
Regular price: 7,24/package
3 per pack, approx. 265g-295g.
Valens Farms sausages are pre-cooked, so they don't need to be cooked for long - they just need to be reheated. They can be prepared in the oven, pan or bbq. Just a few minutes is all you need to discover this gastronomic delight.
Ingredients: Pork, beef, spices, celery culture powder, rosemary, sea salt