Organic Grass-Fed Meat in Quebec
Why are our animals fed on grass?
At Les Fermes Valens, we attach the utmost importance to the well-being of our animals and this is achieved by feeding them a diet adapted to the specific needs of each breed. This diet is based on the respect of the animal's nutritional needs and its relationship with its natural environment, so that our meat retains all the nutritional benefits essential to your energy intake. Its tender meat keeps a tasty taste. You eat healthy, you eat organic and therefore you eat better while preserving the environment and supporting the animal cause.

Year-round grass-fed beef
Our ruminants are fed 100% organic grass: they roam our vast pastures in the summer and can enjoy a healthy and natural diet. When winter comes, we offer them hay and grass from our own harvest. We scrupulously respect the conditions of breeding linked to our organic certifications to bring you a tasty meat of great quality. Feeding our cattle grass means that they receive a diet that is as close as possible to their natural needs and recommended nutritional intake. At Valens Farms, you know that the meat you are eating comes from a healthy environment, respecting the nutritional values of the animal.
Is certified organic meat necessarily grass-fed?
When a meat is certified organic, it must meet several requirements related to the animal's living conditions (habitat, transportation), but above all with regard to its diet. In the organic certifications that Valens Farms has obtained, our certified organic cattle must have a specific nutritional diet and must therefore be fed on fresh grass. This is what we strive to achieve throughout their lives and throughout the year, providing them with a diet that corresponds to their natural needs.
Are all the animals at Valens Farms grass-fed (grass-fed poultry, grass-fed pork, etc.)?
We are committed to being transparent with our consumers: when it says "grass fed" on our products, it means that the animal has been fed 100% natural grass. This herbivorous food comes from our own agriculture: our cattle graze in our pastures during the summer as they wish, then are fed during the winter thanks to our hay and grass harvests made during the summer period. Our poultry are given a seed supplement (called feed) to cover all their nutritional needs.