Natural turkey breast


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SKU: 1141315

1141315 - Frozen Natural Turkey Breast

Regular price: 28.99$/kg

Poids moyen 400g - 600g

Prix affiché calculé sur 500g.

The turkey breast is also called the tenderloin. This piece of turkey will be your ally in the kitchen.

 Turkey meat is a meat with many nutritional benefits. Ideal for inclusion in a balanced diet, turkey is high in protein and low in calories. It is naturally low in fat and is considered the leanest of all meats.

Rich in protein and low in fat, turkey helps to maintain muscle mass and is therefore preferable as part of a high-protein diet.

Turkey meat also contains many vitamins and minerals (vitamins B3, B6 and B12, phosphorus, iron, zinc, etc.). It is therefore a very nutrient-rich meat.

The turkeys raised naturally at Valens Farms are fed a healthy diet produced by the farmers. In addition, they are raised without antibiotics, thus reinforcing the nutritional value of the meat.

Turkey is cooked like chicken, a dish of turkey fillet with cream and mushrooms is proposed to you to sublimate this product:

  1. Prepare 4 button mushrooms by cutting off the stems, then wash them in cold water, chop them and set them aside. Wash and chop an onion. In a frying pan, fry the fillets in a base of olive oil for 3 to 4 minutes, turning them regularly. They should be just browned.


  1. Remove the pieces of turkey and replace them with the mushrooms and onion, which you will fry very lightly and then return the meat to the pan. Add the thyme leaves and finely chopped parsley. Add salt and pepper. Cover the pan and leave the fillets, mushrooms and onion to simmer on a low heat for 20 minutes.


  1. At the end of the cooking time, lift the lid to stir with a wooden spoon. Add two large spoonfuls of liquid cream to the fillets and mushrooms and allow to melt to bind the sauce. Tip: for a smoother sauce, sprinkle a spoonful of flour before closing the lid of the pan with a few drops of white wine.


A family dish that will appeal to the whole table, it's up to you!

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Louise-Andrée Repper
Poitrine de dinde

Cuite au four tout doucement à 325F, badigeonnée de moutarde de Dijon, oignons, épices et un peu de jus. C'est un régal.

Rachelle Paulhus
Excellent gout !

Proportion généreuse ! Tres satisfaite ! Pressé pat le temps ? Se cuit facilement et rapidement à l'Instant Pot et tres bon gout !

Claudette Gagné
Poitrine de dinde

Savoureuse et tendre pratique et rapide quand on est pressé

Johanne Pomerleau Tremblay
Poitrine de dinde

Déjà utilisée aux fêtes et très satisfaite
Bonne grosseur pour farcir

Mireille Ménard
Belle portion

J'aime bien la dinde, elle est plus grosse qu'une poitrine de poulet. j'en ai pour 2 ou 3 repas.